Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TWD: Allspice Crumb Muffins

These Allspice Crumb Muffins looked great, but they really, really did not work for me. And I love muffins! And I love crumb topping! And I love spices! I even added some diced pears to the batter to give it a nice fall, fruit-and-spice-and-everything-nice flavor. However, all the pears in the world couldn't help these puppies...

I don't know why I disliked them so much. Nothing was wrong with them, per se, but I couldn't even make it through a whole muffin. I pulled the top off, Seinfeld-style, expecting to love it and all of its spicy, crumby, muffiny glory. Instead, it coated my throat and left me wanting water and a good tooth brushing. I felt like a dog eating peanut butter:

I could. not. stop. making those wet lip smacking sounds, but it wasn't a ooh, delicious-style smack, more of a why can't I swallow properly, get this gooey stuff out of my mouth-lip smack. Uch. Even typing this now, a week after eating it, I'm making that face. Not good.

My husband ate several and thought they were fine (not outstanding), so I know I didn't accidentally add arsenic or fatally screw up the recipe in some other way. However, the leftovers ended up getting tossed, which is unusual round these parts, so it's safe to say these were not a big hit with anyone. Now let us never mention allspice muffins again. Anyone seen my peanut butter?


  1. So sorry these didn't work for you! I wasn't thrilled with them either, but tried them again with Vietnamese cinnamon and they were fabulous.

  2. I love the picture. Sorry these weren't a hit for you. I thought they were okay but my hubby really liked them. Your crumb topping is lovely.

  3. You have such flair, Liz! your presentation (even of the plainest muffin) is always so terrific! Bravo!

  4. sounds like they were gummy. ew. i hope your next muffin comes out fantastic to make up for these :)

  5. Too funny, Liz. Your write up, not the fact that you didn't like these. I'm glad I made them in to coffee cake with chocolate chips as that helped, but the plain ol' allspice part was just not enough for me!
    Sweet potato biscuits anyone?

  6. It is to bad that these didn't work out for you.

    They look lovely.

  7. Ha! I can just picture your "peanut butter face" as you're attempting to swallow the muffin!

    Although these were good, I won't be rushing to make them again.

  8. oh no! Sorry they didn't work out

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    This post totally cracked me up. You know, I didn't care for the flavor either. Too buttery for me. But one of my sons ate a ton of them...go figure.

  10. It is hard writing about something when you find yourself not liking it but you did a great job explaining (very funny) how the muffins just were not for you. Definitely turned out great and at least hubby ate a few.

  11. It is hard writing about something when you find yourself not liking it but you did a great job explaining (very funny) how the muffins just were not for you. Definitely turned out great and at least hubby ate a few.

  12. Okay, I won't mention them. But, thanks for trying them and baking with me anyway! I love the ribbons around them.

  13. Your description is so hilarious I'm thinking about making them so I can know what a dog eating peanut butter feels like! On second thoughts maybe I'll just take your word for it.

  14. Anonymous4:08 PM

    That's a bummer that they weren't a hit. I thought I might not like these but I did enjoy them. Funny video!

  15. Your muffins look fabulous! Sorry you didn't like them. I think adding the pears was a great idea, though.

  16. Crumb Sniffle9:15 PM

    My only concern is that you never tell us how you really feel. You tend to, pardon the pun, sugar coat things instead of coming out and speaking your mind. Oh well, I suppose it's part of your charm, HOMIE!

  17. Yep, some weeks are winners and some, well, aren't. They sure look good, though.

    Here's to next week :)

  18. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Too bad the muffins didn't do anything for you. The diced pear sounds yum, though (to me. :P)

  19. Sorry these didn't work out for you, they look really good...ah well a failure here and there makes the triumphs sweeter!! Thanks for the video of the dog and peanut butter...very funny, I have given it to my dogs occasionally and they also make very heavy weather of it...hilarious!!

  20. I've never used allspice before, and now I really like it! I liked these muffins, but I didn't like the topping. Mine melted off, and the muffin is buttery enough without it, I think.

    If you want to see a failed recipe, check out tomorrow's post on sweet potato biscuits. ;)

  21. Ah! Bummer. And we liked them.

    They look perfect.

  22. First of all I would like to say thank you because you have given long description so it would be very easy to understand and very easy to make also. I made it yesterday only and my kids like it so much even my wife too.

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  25. 最近流行の家出掲示板では、各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出少女のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性の家にでもすぐに泊まりに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか

  26. 性欲を持て余し、欲求不満になっている女性を金銭の対価を得て、癒して差し上げるお仕事です。参加にあたり用紙、学歴等は一切問いません。高収入アルバイトに興味のある方はぜひどうぞ

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  28. 一晩の割り切ったお付き合いで副収入が得られるサイトのご案内です。アルバイト感覚での挑戦もできる、安心の無料登録システムを採用しておりますので、興味のある方は当サイトをぜひご覧ください

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  32. 今迄は野外露出がマイナスイメージと囚われがちですが、実際は開放的な気分になり有名人のヌーディストが、オープンになる事を推奨してるぐらいです。このサイトをキッカケに知り合った娘達と野外で楽しみませんか

  33. どうしても相手がセレブだと高級感が有り、近付きにくいと思われがちですが、実際はただ欲望のままに快楽を追い求める、セレブとは掛け離れた女性が居るだけです。今こそ自分の欲望を満たすときです

  34. 人妻7:11 AM

    最近旦那とマンネリで全然Hしてません。正直もうかなり欲求不満です…誰か相手してくれる方いませんか?空いている時間は多いと思うので都合は合わせやすいと思います。お互い楽しめる関係になりたいな。人妻でも平気な人いたら是非相手してください☆一応18歳以上の人限定でお願いします。上はどこまででも大丈夫なんで excellent.lady@docomo.ne.jp

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  36. 日本最大、だれもが知っている出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?趣味の合う理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビで遊んでみよう

  37. あなたの異性からのモテ度数を診断できる、モテる度チェッカー!日頃モテモテで充実しているあなたもそうでないニートの方も隠されたモテスキルを測定して結果を活用し、今以上にモッテモテになること間違いなし
